Our services.


Private Plant Walk

Saunter - to walk in a slow, relaxed manner, without hurry

As we stroll through your property, you’ll learn ways to positively identify plants and fungi that are growing on your land, as well as learning the rhythms of poisonous look-a-likes. From the plants we find, you’ll learn which ones are edible and medicinal and how to work with them. It is our hope that by the end of our time together, you will feel more confident to explore and re-member your ancestral relationship with the plant and fungi world.

The intention of this service is to help you learn about and build a relationship with your private land. However, we are also open to private group plant walks on public lands. Send us a message to learn more.

$100/hr (2 hour minimum)


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Species Write Up

Solidify our conversation with a species write up. You will receive an in-depth write up of the plants and fungi we saw growing on your property (including but not limited to the Latin name, common name, medicinal uses, edibility, traits for identification, growing conditions and how to work with what we’ve found).

$50 per 7 species

Permaculture Landscape Design

Coming October 2022…

Focused on ecological awareness, increasing on-site food availability, species biodiversity, and energy catchment and storage, we will lay the foundation to transform your land into one of prolific and positive happenings.

Together, we will design your space so that it functions in a way that serves both beauty and purpose. We aim for maximum yield with minimal work…think perennial food crops, food forests, berms and swales, and the delightful buzz of the bees and birds. Let’s build something made to last.
